Friday, October 2, 2009

Real Life


I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here, even if my posting has slowed down lately. Real life has been getting in the way. But don't worry, this has been good real life things.

First of all, I've enroled in a fashion design course and my first class was last Monday. I'm so excited! The first thing we are learning is how to draft master patterns, starting with a skirt. I am very excited to learn how to design clothing. Perhaps an esty store is in the works!

Second, I got a last minute invitation to volunteer at Alberta Fashion Week. I will be volunteering at the front of house, so if you decide to come to the shows, make sure to say hello. While I enjoy working backstage, this way I can check out all the street fashion as it comes in the door!

Finally, my weekend plans (which I will try to photograph, as I want to share more of what I do on this blog). This morning (no work today) I need to go shopping for my last minute supplies for my design course (muslin etc.). Then this afternoon and evening I am going to Red Deer to a horse sale with my parents. No plans on buying anything though, I need to saw for a trip next summer.

Tomarrow I am in a dressform making course. I'll be making a dressform that is exactly my shape (cool and a little scary). While I love Matilda (seen here), I wanted a new one because a. Matilda can't actually move enough to be my measurements and b. she is not mine in the first place. I will post up the results here Saturday night or Sunday.

Sunday, back to work. But I may be volunteering helping set up the space for ABFW Saturday and Sunday afternoon/evening.

Have a good weekend everyone!


Madeleine Miranda said...

You seem very busy, glad that things are going well for you!

Lovely blog, I'm now a follower :)

ivy's closet said...

wow..that just a wonderful shape form. My boyfriend valcroed me..and I made mine that way. All the best on the course. Congrads on getting the volunteer spot too.

ellie said...

I'm so excited for you! I hope you have so much fun with everything. Thanks for the note, too.

the oaks said...

I'm very excited for you. I hope you have a great time with all these things in store for you.

thank you so much for the note.

simon n josh said...

Wishing you all the best on your class and with the show too.

Thanks so much.

daisychain said...

wow busy times indeed x

Michael said...

It's wonderful that fashion is blooming out in the middle west here in Canada! I'm glad your city has your own fashion week, Toronto Fashion Week here is almost starting as well!

Cafe Fashionista said...

Ooh, your dressform making course sounds thrilling. Please let us know more about your courses - they sound divine! :)

Timeless Fashion... said...

Have fun at AFW!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. We never have snow here and if we do it melts after five seconds so enjoy the snow too!

Couture Carrie said...

So exciting, darling ~ have fun!


Winnie said...

Wow, so glad you're having fun on your new course! I'm enjoying mine too but it's hard work...

HoneyBunny said...

SO busy, but how exciting! Lucky you:)

elena-lu said...

wow very exciting! congrats and good luck to you!!!

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

i've been slack on blogging lately too :) have fun in your design class.

Unknown said...

ooooh very busy! well done on strating a fashion design course xoxoxx

FashionJazz said...

This all sounds so exciting!! Cant wait to see more pics and good luck : ) xxx