Monday, February 1, 2010

Finally February

Well, it's finally February, the shortest month, and then on to March, which means the beginning of spring (even though nothing really grows here until April and we tend to get snowstorms in May, but that's besides the point)! Did anyone (or everyone) watch the Grammy's? I half-watched for a bit, then got bored with the slow pace and commericals (like I always do in awards shows) and stopped. But I just had to post this picture of Lady Gaga. I love her dress. It's avant garde while still being pretty. But her hair, not so much. The colour is all icky and reminds me of what happens when blonde girls colour on their hair with magic marker. Here's what I wore today (aren't I doing good about posting outfits) for work, so it's nothing fancy. And my battery died after only a couple shots, so no detail shots. And I wore my warm boots again because it was snowy yesterday, but it was actually pretty nice today. (Lady Gaga photo from

Top: Roxy
Jeans: French Connection
Boots: Pajar
Coat: H&M
Vest: Juma


simon n josh said...

I'm like that about those award shows too. But Lady Gaga..well, really she sparkles.

Taylor Sterling said...

gaga is amazing!! love her crazy style!!

cass and cady said...

Pink'a outfit was pretty unusual too. But I didn't watch much of it, either.

Love that red coat!

the oaks said...

How did she move in that outfit?

Hope Feb. warms up for you. Still cold here, too.

Anonymous said...

saw her at the grammys, so fun!
great simple look
thanks for sharing as always
and thanks for your sweet comments, it means the world to me!


Sharon said...

Hi there-she certainly does look awesome!! Love your winter outfit, especially your red coat!

Niki said...

i love gaga but i wasn't digging the yellow hair either.

xo Niki

Fian said...

fabolous boots dear!

i've new post,,just check it.. :)


Sybil said...

yes!! i watched the grammy's too!!! pink and lady gaga were totally FAB FAB!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I didn't catch the Grammy's, but Lady Gaga's photo was all over the internet-- she really stirs them up! :D
Agree with you on the amazing dress and not so amazing hair. It's quite a pity like that, but I assumed that she was making fun of Barbie doll :P

Silk Ties said...

Awesome pics! the 1st one is just mad!

Audrey Allure said...

great boots :) and i love the red coat!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

She's kind of nuts but I like her songs, catchy!

Kira Aderne said...

I do love your red coat!
Nice color!

Sybil said...

oh btw, it was WEM that i was pertaining to in my latest blog post! :D

Jen said...

I loved Pink at the Grammy's - she rocks! Although Ga Ga comes a close second in that fairytale dress. You're right about the hair, though!

xoxo Kellz* said...

nice redd coat love the color said...

Lovely coat, Honey!

Winnie said...

I love how Gaga is everywhere! I'm not her hugest fan but I do love her fashion sense- the fact that there are no bounds!

Jessica said...

Your red coat is so pretty!

I just love Lady Gaga. In my mind, she can do no wrong.

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I absolutely LOVE your red coat! Very cute. :)

And I agree, Gaga looked amazing at the Grammys!!