Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You Have to Start Somewhere

Hey! Welcome to my brand new fashion blog, Pudding and Pie! You can come here to check out the fashion that I love, hate, have no idea what they were thinking... Please feel free to leave comments or send me an email at puddingandpiefashion@gmail.com (trust me, along with green tea lattes and Keds, I'm addicted to checking my email, so it will make my day.

Since this is my very first post, I wasn't quite sure where to start, so I decided to start with talking about some of my favourite brands. One of my very favourites is definately Ella Moss. Designed by the amazing Pamella Protzel,, I absolutely adore the shapes and pretty spring colours!

These are two of my favorite dresses from her spring 08 collection. I think they both retail at $177.00. I only have one Ella Moss dress right now, but it's definately on my list of things to buy this season. You can learn more about Ella Moss at the website, www.ellamoss.com!So, that's the first post! Let me know what you think!! Suggestions, praise, (constructive) criticism, offers of help etc are always welcome!

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